Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update: New Job!

Well I'm back after a little hiatus. Sorry I've been gone so long! I just took a new job at Go Green Solutions in Pasadena in mid-March. I've thrown myself headlong into the new position and as a result have let my blog posting responsibilities slide a bit. But not to worry, my new job dovetails well with what I've been talking about here in Energy Crunch (did the company's name give it away?) so I'll be able to continue to bring my insights to this column, as my throngs of readers will no doubt be assured to hear.

For today I just wanted to point out this article which gives further hope that soon solar power will be cheaper than fossil fuels, and the stampede to renewables will begin in earnest.

Enjoy the article, and check back now that I've got my schedule back under control a little bit.

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